$3,000,000 Verdict
Mandy was driving her sister’s Lexus on State Route 145 in Fresno County when she struck a disabled tractor blocking part of her lane. The CHP arrived at the scene and determined that Mandy was totally at fault for the accident because she was unable to stop in time to avoid striking the trailer. A previous accident had occurred minutes before; the CHP blamed the driver of that vehicle for his accident as well.
Mandy was treated at a local hospital and released. She had no initial complaints of neck pain. Three months later, in September, she awakened with excruciating neck pain. She was treated by a San Luis Obispo County neurosurgeon who opined that the need for surgery was caused by the accident. Mandy hired lawyers in Freson who spent very little time or energy on her case. On the advice of a friend, she terminated those lawyers and hired James R. Murphy, Jr. And John D. Barron, A Law Corporation.
The case was mediated, a process by which an attempt was made to settle the case. The senior claims adjuster for the insurance company made a top offer of $65,000. The offer was rejected; Jim walked out of the mediation politely but firmly indicating the offer was ludicrous and the case went to trial.
As the trial date approached, Defendants increased the offer to $175,000. Unfortunately by this time, our frim had spent over $100,000 in costs. Our team retained top quality expert witnesses as is the custom and practice of our firm. The biomechanical engineer located a video of an airbag test at a similar speed showing the violent, wrenching forces applied to Mandy’s body. The video had a tremendous impact on the jury. Our expert economist and expert vocational rehabilitation specialist also did an excellent job.
The jury began deliberating at 9:00 a.m. and by 9:45 a.m. the jury asked for the damages charts that had been prepared by our experts. Three hours later, the jury rendered a verdict for $3,000,000 for our client.
Testimonial by Mandy
My former attorneys had basically dropped the ball on my case. The other man that was injured was also represented by those lawyers. He had almost $50,000 in medical bills and the attorneys talked him into settling for $110,000. He recovered very little of that amount. At the time I hired Mr. Murphy, he made a commitment that he would work hard for me. Jim and his team never let up. I was in trial every day. Jim is a tremendously effective trial lawyer. The jury loved him. He aggressively attacked every component of the defense case. I am very grateful to Jim and consider him the finest attorney I have ever seen. Mr. Murphy is a rare exception…
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